This is the Leaders page to remind us of important dates and events that we as leaders need to attend.

Parents and/or Girls do not attend these events and/or meetings.

The Leader Meetings take place at PEC at 7:00 p.m. and should adjourn no later than 8:30 p.m.

Just a reminder to bring your Girl Scout binder that has all of your training information in it to each meeting.  You will also need to bring your name tag to each meeting that we made.

For those that are attending please remember to sign in for all of the Troops that you are representing and collect enough hand outs for those that are not present so that we are all kept in the loop on updates and what is happening in the Neighborhood.

Neighborhood Monthly Meetings:

August 20, 2009 = All Leaders


September 17, 2009 = Shannon & Maria


October 22, 2009 = Kori


November 19, 2009 = Maria


December 17, 2009 = Shannon & Kori


January 21, 2010 = Robin


February 18, 2010 = Robin


March 11, 2010 = Kori


April 15, 2010 = Maria


May 20, 2010 = All Leaders