Here is a web-site that is designed just for the girls. 

This web-site has different activities for the girls to participate in.


Thou shalt:

  1. Strive to understand the true purpose of Girl Scouting.
  2. Endeavor to get thy daughter to and from meetings on time.
  3. Recognize that a troop succeeds through team effort.
  4. Having accepted a troop task, see it through to the end.
  5. Set a good example at all times.
  6. Be enthusiastic and cheerful.
  7. Not regard the leader as a baby sitter.
  8. Bring troop problems to the leader first.
  9. Strive to do thy part willingly.
  10. Be aware that Girl Scouting is for ALL girls.

March Happenings!!

To many, March is a huge month. It officially brings the arrival of spring. Spring and Saint Patrick's Day brightens up month. We are sure ready for some brightening up, after a long, cold winter.

Greetings! Don't forget to send a free Saint Patrick's Day Ecard to that special someone. Surf on over now and make a free Ecard for St. Patrick's Day, a Birthday, anniversary, or any event!

March Holidays and Events:

Need flowers for someone special this St. Patrick's Day? How about a birthday or anniversary? Whatever the occasion or event, you'll find them delivered for less at TGN's On-line Florist. Quality, delivery performance, and price. You deserve them all. Shop online for Flowers now!

This month in History:

  • March 12, 1912- The Girl Scouts were founded.
  • March 17, 1845 The rubber band was invented. Can you imagine life without them!?!
  • March 29, 1886- Coca Cola is invented.
  • Find more at More this Month

Among other things, March is:

  • National Nutrition Month
  • National Women's History Month

March Notes:

Flower of the Month: Daffodil, Jonquil

Birthstone of the Month: Aquamarine, Bloodstone

Astrological Signs: Pisces Feb. 19 - Mar. 20; Aries March 21 - April 19

The Moon this month is called the Crow Moon, Lenten Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon.

Gardeners- This is your month to seek out seeds and supplies for the season.  Perhaps a greenhouse or a raised garden bed is in your immediate future. Find Seeds and Supplies, and more now.