Here is a web-site that is designed just for the girls.
This web-site has different activities for the girls to participate in.
Thou shalt:
Strive to understand the true purpose of Girl Scouting.
Endeavor to get thy daughter to and from meetings on time.
Recognize that a troop succeeds through team effort.
Having accepted a troop task, see it through to the end.
Set a good example at all times.
Be enthusiastic and cheerful.
Not regard the leader as a baby sitter.
Bring troop problems to the leader first.
Strive to do thy part willingly.
Be aware that Girl Scouting is for ALL girls.
March Happenings!!
To many, March is a huge month. It officially brings the arrival of spring. Spring and Saint Patrick's Day brightens up month. We are sure ready for some brightening up, after a long, cold winter.
Greetings! Don't forget to send a free Saint Patrick's Day Ecard to that special someone. Surf on over now and make a free Ecard for St. Patrick's Day, a Birthday, anniversary, or any event!
March Holidays and Events:
- 7 Oscar Night - a big change of date
- 8 International Women's Day
- 14 Daylight Savings Begins at 2:00 a.m.
- 15 Ides of March
- 17 St. Patrick's Day
- 20 Spring (Vernal) Equinox
- 20 International Earth Day - also called Sun-Earth Day
- 25 Feast of the Annunciation
- 28 Palm Sunday
- 28 World Youth Day date varies widely
- 30 Passover begins at sundown, lasts 8 days.
- More March holidays and special days
Need flowers for someone special this St. Patrick's Day? How about a birthday or anniversary? Whatever the occasion or event, you'll find them delivered for less at TGN's On-line Florist. Quality, delivery performance, and price. You deserve them all. Shop online for Flowers now!
This month in History:
- March 12, 1912- The Girl Scouts were founded.
- March 17, 1845 The rubber band was invented. Can you imagine life without them!?!
- March 29, 1886- Coca Cola is invented.
- Find more at More this Month
Among other things, March is:
- National Nutrition Month
- National Women's History Month
March Notes:
Flower of the Month: Daffodil, Jonquil
Birthstone of the Month: Aquamarine, Bloodstone
Astrological Signs: Pisces Feb. 19 - Mar. 20; Aries March 21 - April 19
The Moon this month is called the Crow Moon, Lenten Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon.
Gardeners- This is your month to seek out seeds and supplies for the season. Perhaps a greenhouse or a raised garden bed is in your immediate future. Find Seeds and Supplies, and more now.