Neighborhood Community Service Projects:
Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. in the PEC Cafeteria and will adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
These events are open to any scout leader, scout, parent, grandparent, siblings, etc. who are interested in helping out the community by completing a service project that will benefit organizations throughout the Valley.
Any scout not coming with their Troop needs to be accompanied by an adult. No RSVP needed.
They also ask for a $1.00 per person who is attending to help the Neighborhood cover costs, but is not mandatory.
Please find below all of the dates for the Neighborhood Community Service Project nights. On the following dates marked "Troop" we as a Troop will be attending these meetings to help earn the necessary hours that are required each year.
Parents will need to drop off and pick up their daughters for this event.
When dropping your daughter off for the "Troop" Community Service nights please escort your daughter in and make sure that you locate one of the Troop Leaders so that she knows your daughter is in attendance. Please do not drop her off at the door and leave the facility.
October 1 - Troop
November 5
December 3
January 14
February 4 - Troop
March 4 - Troop
April 1
May 6